Water Quality Report

Drinking Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report)

Dear Starr Customer,

Every year in July, the State of Texas requires each public water system to make available a Consumer Confidence Report to its customers.  The purpose of the report is to assure you that the water you drink is consistently monitored for quality, and meets or exceeds all Federal drinking water requirements.  If you would like more information or an explanation on any of the material in the report, please feel free to call us and we will do our best to answer your questions. 

The information in this report comes from tests that the State requires us to perform.  Some are yearly, some monthly, and some daily.  We are well below the maximum contaminant levels (MCL’s) in all of the areas tested.  All of our bacteriological samples were good, and we maintained acceptable chlorine residuals throughout the year. 

In addition to the information contained in the report, we would like for you to be aware of the following:

  • Starr Water's website is starrwsc.com. Please make use of this resource.
  • Payment by credit/debit card is now available on our website or by calling 1-903-364-4105
  • Please make sure that we have updated phone numbers and/or cell phone numbers so that we can reach you in case of an emergency.  This could be for a leak on your side of the meter that would cause a high bill, or a leak or repair on our side that would result in an outage.  Starr’s e-mail address is starrwsc@yahoo.com and our phone number is (903) 465-9135 if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Water conservation should be a part of everyone’s life especially during the heat of the summer.  Try to water in the cooler part of the day so that you do not lose water to evaporation.  If you suspect a main line break in the system, experience an unusual drop in pressure, or see suspicious running or standing water, please call us as soon as possible. We will credit $10.00 to the first person to report a main break.  Several people have called to report leaks and have taken advantage of this program.  Water loss costs everyone in the long run and we depend on you to be our “eyes” in the system.


Thank You,

Charles Dodd

General Manager

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